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Where to smoke at the airport ?

The terminal is strictly non-smoking in accordance with article L. 3511-7 (Decree n° 2006-1386 of 15 November 2006) setting out the conditions for the application of the ban on smoking in places designated for collective use. It is possible to smoke outside the terminal: on the forecourt and on the Kiss & Fly terrace, which are equipped with ashtrays.

The boarding lounge does not currently have a smoking area. Passengers are advised to make arrangements before boarding.

A smoking area that meets the expectations of passengers and the requirements of the various applicable regulations is being studied and we thank you in advance for your understanding.

Où peut-on fumer à l'aéroport ?

L’aérogare est strictement non-fumeur selon l’article L. 3511-7 (Décret n° 2006-1386 du 15 novembre 2006) fixant les conditions d'application de l'interdiction de fumer dans les lieux affectés à un usage collectif. Il est possible de fumer à l’extérieur de l’aérogare : sur le parvis et sur la terrasse du Kiss & Fly, lieux équipés de cendriers.

La salle embarquement dispose également d’un espace fumeur, situé en sortie des contrôles de sûreté, avant de rentrer dans l'espace Duty Free.

Can I withdraw cash at the airport ?

2 cash dispensers (Crédit Agricole & Société Générale) are available on the outer forecourt, next to the arrivals exit and opposite the taxi rank.

They are both in the public area. There are no cash dispensers after the security checks in the boarding area.

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