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RELAY - Zone Publique
Have you lost an item in the public area of Roland Garros airport?
You have lost an object in the public area of Roland Garros airport? (parking, terminal, shops, toilets or the screening of passengers and hand luggage after the identity check).
We invite you to contact Service Parking/ Objets Trouvés :
- By phone : +262 (0)262 488 019
- By email :
- On site : In front of arrival door outside
Lost items can be found a few days after it is lost, so please call the Parking/Lost items service to make sure.
Please consider :
- - Give your name, last name, call number, adress
- - Indicate the date and place where you lost the object,
- - Describe the object you have lost in detail.
N.B : you will be asked to show proof of identity for any collection
Gestionnaire RH F/H en CDD
RELAY - Zone d'embarquement
Medical emergency
For medical emergencies involving arriving or departing passengers, please contact +262(0)262 48 80 30
Choléra : y-a-t'il une vigilance renforcée auprès des voyageurs ?
Des foyers de choléra sont identifiés depuis plusieurs mois dans des pays de l’Océan Indien. L’Union des Comores a communiqué sur des premiers cas de choléra suspectés sur son territoire. Un premier cas a été confirmé à Mayotte.
Un cas de choléra a été déclaré à l’ARS La Réunion le 20 mars 2024. Il s’agit d’une personne ayant récemment séjourné en Inde. Les mesures de précaution nécessaires sont mises en œuvre et le contact tracing est en cours.
Il existe un risque faible de propagation de cette maladie à La Réunion.
L’ARS La Réunion maintient le dispositif d’information et de sensibilisation mis en place auprès des voyageurs arrivant à l'aéroport Roland Garros.
Accessibility and assistance to disabled or reduced mobility passengers
All areas and facilities at the airport are designed to be easily accessible to people with disabilities or reduced mobility.Welcome and other facilities for people with disabilities or reduced mobility (PHMR):
Check passengers with reduced mobility's rights here.
PHMR adapted facilities at the airport
- Adapted places, access and facilities
- Reserved parking spaces near to the terminal
- Phone booths, toilets, lifts,
- Disabled access to the Reception and Information desk, shops, bars and restaurants
In accordance with European regulations, assistance for disabled passengers and those with reduced mobility is now provided by the company OSR, a service provider of SA Aéroport de La Réunion Roland Garros.
Please verify rights of disabled or reduced mobility passengers in the European Community
Notice : Passengers with disabilities or reduced mobility have to contact their airline or travel agency to make arrangements for their arrival at the airport.