Les passagers peuvent désormais profiter de la toute Nouvelle Aérogare Arrivée, prête à les accueillir avec élégance.
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La Journée Mondiale du Passager Aérien : l'occasion de vous célébrer !
La Journée Mondiale du Passager Aérien, c'est le moment de VOUS célébrer !
Acheminement de matériel médical sensible par Antonov
Jeudi dernier, sur le tarmac du FRET de l'aéroport de La Réunion Roland Garros, a atterri un ANTONOV affrété par le transitaire SIFA.
Agent SSIAP 1 (F/H) en CDD
Accessibility and assistance to disabled or reduced mobility passengers
All areas and facilities at the airport are designed to be easily accessible to people with disabilities or reduced mobility.Welcome and other facilities for people with disabilities or reduced mobility (PHMR):
Check passengers with reduced mobility's rights here.
PHMR adapted facilities at the airport
- Adapted places, access and facilities
- Reserved parking spaces near to the terminal
- Phone booths, toilets, lifts,
- Disabled access to the Reception and Information desk, shops, bars and restaurants
In accordance with European regulations, assistance for disabled passengers and those with reduced mobility is now provided by the company OSR, a service provider of SA Aéroport de La Réunion Roland Garros.
Please verify rights of disabled or reduced mobility passengers in the European Community
Notice : Passengers with disabilities or reduced mobility have to contact their airline or travel agency to make arrangements for their arrival at the airport.