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Est-il possible de réserver sa place de parking ?
Il est possible de réserver votre place sur le parking P4 - Longue durée.
Simple, économique et rapide, réservez en ligne dès maintenant - Nombre de places limitées
Naissance d’Air Austral
La compagnie réunionnaise développe une activité moyen-courrier sur l’océan Indien, qui s’étendra au long-courrier et à la desserte de la métropole à partir de 2003.
You have lost an item ?
If you have lost an item on the airport premises, we invite you to report it directly to the Lost property services.
How does it work ?
- 1. Go to our dedicated Lost property services,
- 2. Report the lost item,
- 3. Once the lost item has been identified, you'll receive the information you need to recover it or have it delivered.
You have lost an item
If you have lost an item on the airport premises, we invite you to report it directly to the Lost property services.
How does it work ?
- 1. Go to our dedicated Lost property services,
- 2. Report the lost item,
- 3. Once the lost item has been identified, you'll receive the information you need to recover it or have it delivered.
Atelier 974 by Relay
The A 380
An Airbus A 380 landed at Reunion Island Roland Garros Airport on 11th November 2009 on a test flight.
Creation of Aérotech Run OI
Creation of an association called Aerotech Run OI, project leader in structuring the aeronautical sector in Reunion and developing a regional cluster of activities dedicated to training, maintenanc