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Top 5 des objets interdits en cabine

11/11/2021 - 12:05 article

Connaissez-vous la liste des objets interdits en cabine et ceux qui sont le plus saisis lors des contrôles de sûreté à l’aéroport de La Réunion Roland Garros ? En voici le top 5 !

Have you lost an item in the public area of Roland Garros airport?

You have lost an object in the public area of Roland Garros airport? (parking, terminal, shops, toilets or the screening of passengers and hand luggage after the identity check).

We invite you to contact  Service Parking/ Objets Trouvés :

  • By phone : +262 (0)262 488 019
  • By email :
  • On site : In front of arrival door outside

Lost items can be found a few days after it is lost, so please call the Parking/Lost items service to make sure.

Please consider

  • - Give your name, last name, call number, adress
  • - Indicate the date and place where you lost the object,
  • - Describe the object you have lost in detail.

N.B : you will be asked to show proof of identity for any collection


01/28/2021 - 11:11 renter
Agence de location de voiture - aéroport Roland Garros


06/15/2023 - 17:11 page

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