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Advice for a stress-free journey

  • Make sure that you have all administrative documents required ready
  • Arrive at the airport 4 hours before an evening flight
  • Come with a reduced number og greeters
  • Use Parking P1 or Depose minute way for dropping a passenger
  • To feel more relax go through security control as soon as possible

Registration deadline

On your flight the HLE code indicates the time Saving limit. To save in good conditions, it is recommended to arrive 1 to 3 hours before the schedule for flights to Europe, Asia, Australia and New Caledonia and 30 minutes prior to 1:00 am for flights to Mauritius, Madagascar and South Africa.

Reunion Island Tourism Federation

Horaires d'ouverture

7/7 from 7am to 3pm or 8am to 4pm (depending on the flight)

Voir tous les horaires

Reunion Island Tourism Federation accompanies and supports local tourism development alongside the island's 5 inter-municipal offices and its network of partners.
Our association carries out various missions, including regional reception at the destination's gateways.
At the information desk at La Réunion Roland Garros airport, our experienced teams of tourist advisers welcome and meet the needs of travellers as soon as they arrive on the island by providing them with quality tourist information.
Every day, we provide a personalised reception service, optimised according to the flow of arrivals and the health regulations in force, in order to guarantee all our visitors a memorable and successful stay in Reunion Island.

Le Bilan 2020 et l’amorce de 2021

01 mai 2021 article
Si l’année 2020 a été marquée par la crise sanitaire mondiale due au COVID 19, il en demeure que l’activité FRET a poursuivi le traitement des flux imports et

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