The Reunion Island Roland Garros Airport received in November 2014 certifications to ISO 14001 (environmental management) and ISO 50001 (energy management), issued by AFNOR to the term an audit. It was the first French- and one of the first companies Reunion airport - get ISO 50001 certification. Both certifications complement to the ISO 9001 (quality management), obtained in 2006 and renewed at the end of that audit. With the Safety Management System, approved by the Civil Aviation, the three ISO standards are the Integrated Management System from the airport, which facilitates the simultaneous management of multiple management domains. These two new certifications bring him a method, based on tools and performance indicators that will help prioritize the actions to be taken in the coming years in the areas of energy and the environment. They are valid for three years and will be subject to an annual renewal audit.
Customers Relationship
We are constantly listening to our customers. We collect your expectations and your comments through two annual satisfaction surveys and our interface for collecting your suggestions and claims. Also, for any questions or claims, do not hesitate to contact us using the form available below. You can also contact us by phone, via our social networks, by mail, by post or at the Reception-Information area of the terminal.