The freight services dedicated to the transport and housing of live animals enables them to be shipped in complete security. This specialised service continues to improve each year with the reception of animals, hatching eggs and domestic animals but also, more unusually, birds, reptiles and other less common animals too.
All information listed here is for reference only, and may not be fully complete.

Regulations ands certifications
The importation of live animals into the European Community is subject to the strict respect of Community regulations (Reunion Island is part of the European Community territory) and to a systematic control on arrival in a veterinary border inspection post (BIP).
To know more about the importation of live animals in Reunion Island : DAAF website
The freight buildings include an animal section with a surface area of 150 m² used to house animals but also for veterinary checks before or after flights.
Transit companies
Whether you’re looking for assistance concerning administrative procedures or someone to organise the shipping and reception of your goods, simply check out the list of companies below. You can add filters to your search based on your needs here.
Unauthorised products
Some animals are subject to authorizations to enter the territory of Reunion.
Since the 28th June 2021, a ministerial decree prohibits the importation of 89 groups of animal species in Reunion Island.
- Mammals and birds : See the poster
- Fishes : See the poster
- Reptiles : See the poster
To consult the ministerial decree 2021 in its entirety : click on this link
To learn more about the prohibited and authorized species, connect to the search engine of the site espè You will be able to determine the status of an animal with its name: its website
Transport conditions
The transport conditions of your animal will depend on conditions accepted by your airline. If you are shipping your animal by air, please first ensure that the airlines are open to air freight. Please note that it is best to ship your pet on weekdays, as all staff are working and the different steps of the journey will be smoother.
Administrative and tax formalities
What are the formalities for travelling with a pet from an EU member state or a third country?
To be imported into Reunion (European Union), pets accompanying travellers must be identified (microchip implanted), have their anti-rabies vaccination, have undergone a serum titration of anti-rabies antibodies and hold their original health certificate or a valid European animal passport.